
Monday, September 27, 2010

Diverted Mentality of Youth

Diverted Mentality of Youth
Today in the age of SCIENCE, where we are going toward to be more powerful (means we are able to acquire anything which we want whether it is money, power or intelligence) in this WORLD by using GOD gifted super MIND. Due to this super MIND we have made Super Computer that can solve complex- to- complex problem in small amount of time but perhaps still not  have super MIND like GOD gifted MIND of human being . Off course GOD provided mind to all beings on this Earth whether they are animal, birds, insects or human.

But here also a Question arise in my mind as I described   in my previous blog post and now I’m moving toward to search answer of this question that has come yet newly in my mind.(question)that GOD have provided mind to all being in this nature but why too much intelligency to human being. Perhaps GOD thought that human can help us in the creation of nature and he may be a useful source to maintaining all things on this Earth.

If GOD expect such from human then we must follow the way that he expected from us. But what we are following that ways? Off course some of them (youth).But in present   most of youth’s mentality has been diverted and contaminated. Who is responsible for this situation? Now further a question arises!

Now I would like to search out those conditions that divert the path of youth and made his/her mind contaminated.

It’s a 100% bitter Truth whether we accept or not we don’t believe on our self. We don’t have faith on our both powerful hand and GOD gifted mind. We always afraid   from others  who effort to capture their goal or  who are better than  us.There is only one difference between Bottom and Top that Bottom never try to reach on top and Top never look toward Bottom. This rule is also applied in our life. Similar difference exist between our and who better than us is he utilized his time to make best effort to target their goal and we enjoyed the life to have fun. Totally we misused the precious time that never come back. Then we try to make hurdles in the path of others .Again we never understand that we have slipped one more step below the bottom.

In the fast moving world most of youth want to take the Shortcut of success. Hello Brother, you know our body  take 9 Month to take the complete human shape . Dear  if we take the birth in 5 or 6 Month (premature stage) then perhaps we couldn’t  open our eyes. I think this is too risky so I never take the shortcut. You are already Intelligent no need to explain in further more. Now what you think dear?
We should take the shortcut?

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Situation  n  Condition - Live Story